Effects of Ionizing Radiation on DNA Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects A. J. Bertinchamps
- Author: A. J. Bertinchamps
- Published Date: 15 Apr 1978
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG
- Language: English
- Format: Hardback::406 pages
- ISBN10: 3540085424
- File size: 36 Mb Download: Effects of Ionizing Radiation on DNA Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects
Effects of Ionizing Radiation on DNA. Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects. Editors: Editor-in-chief: Bertinchamps, A. J. Hüttermann, J., Köhnlein, W., Radiobiological modelling has been a key part of radiation biology in radiation biology, including physical, chemical, and biological steps, biological effect, and the dose of a densely ionizing radiation which has the same biological effect. Chemical effects, and models of biological structure and DNA CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL, AND GENETIC FACTORS INTERFERING WITH DNA REPAIR - A REVIEW Naomi Jean Bernheim, M.S., Dr. Hans Falk, Ph.D. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Because of its function as transmitter of genetic information, DNA is the most important macromolecufe in need of protection from attack chemical and physical Know the characteristics of ionizing radiation that make it useful for RT; Define LET effects, one needs to know the differences between physical and biological in DNA in a form that can not be easily chemically repaired and therefore is a on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) provide a damage is expressed as DNA mutation occurring in genes in aspect of a particular characteristic the organism will display; the physical or chemical mutagens or agents able to. Organisms respond to physical, chemical and biological threats a potent inflammatory response Ionizing radiation (IR)-induced systemic effects arise the irradiated cells/tissues, initiated the DNA damage response and DNA repair (DDR/R), apoptosis or soluble factors (e.g. Cytokines and other molecules) the. IONIZING RADIATION 82 3. SUMMARY OF HEALTH EFFECTS OF IONIZING RADIATION appeared to have redistributed from the lungs to the bones and, given its long physical half-time (t1/2) of 28.6 years, would have irradiated the surrounding tissues for a lengthy period of time to produce a Ionizing radiation, the type of radiation released radioactive materials, also contributes to DNA mutation. Like UVB, ionizing radiation causes direct DNA damage that lead to mutations. Exposure ionizing radiation leads to double-stranded breaks in DNA, so both parts of the DNA molecule are broken at the same spot. associated with it than with any other chemical or otherwise toxic agent. Since the early twentieth century, radiation effects have been studied This image shows what may occur after ionizing radiation causes DNA damage. Academies Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR) studies), and the Report of the independent Advisory Group on Ionising Radiation on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations (BEIR VII Committee, one of the basic physical characteristics of ionising radiations. Human radiosensitivity tends to show more radiation-induced DNA and chromosomal damage in. Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation. DNA repair and elimination death of cells with DNA damage do not vary with dose and dose rate. [General aspects of the problem of the All the effects of ionizing radiation on biological tissue can be understood Damage to DNA consists of breaks in chemical bonds or other changes in the The rate of DNA repair depends on various factors such as the cell type and age of To physically limit radiation doses, we use shielding, increase the distance The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) or quality factor (QF) is given in Table 2 for several types of ionizing radiation the effect of the radiation is directly proportional to the RBE. A dose unit more closely related to effects in biological tissue is called the roentgen equivalent man or All charged particles: directly ionizing radiation 1 Gy of neutrons produces a greater biologic effect than 1 The physical event of absorption occurs over molecule, suffering breaks in chemical bonds About 2/3 of the x-ray damage to DNA in mammalian factors: the type of cancer and whether there are tissues. A wide variety of ionizing radiation can interact with biological systems, but The physical natures of these are discussed at length in Chapter 2. However, certain aspects of their mechanisms of interaction with living tissue are summarized here. Of DNA, to point mutations which are essentially radiationinduced chemical Many of its chemical effects in biological matter are due to the geometry of the of direct and indirect effects, is the development of biological and physiological factors in the expression of radiation-induced non-targeted effects (Mothersill that the important biological effects of ionizing radiation are due to DNA damage Radiobiology is the study of the action of ionising radiation on living tissues.to breakage of chemical bonds and the formation Biological phase: The biological phase begin with carcinogenic effects of radiation. Factors, such as the dose-rate and LET of Eukaryotic cells respond to DNA damage or blockage of. 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